Program & Replays
Breaking Through & Bouncing Back
Join author Sonia Ricotti as she recalls how she turned things around in her life in a very BIG and dramatic way—and did it QUICKLY! Sonia has discovered a formula that really works and has since made it her mission to help people everywhere around the world to turn their lives around quickly.
During this session, you'll discover:
- A powerful 3-step formula to bouncing back BIG and fast!
- The #1 most critical and important thing you must do first that will turbo-charge your results
- How to reprogram and re-wire your brain to manifest massive success, wealth, peace and happiness
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Sonia Ricotti, is the #1 bestselling author of Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down, as well as, The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple (also a #1 bestseller). She is regularly featured in the national media (on TV, on the radio, and in magazines). She is the CEO/President of Lead Out Loud Inc, a leading-edge transformational company helping people around the globe achieve boundless success in all areas of their lives. She is a top-rated professional speaker and has shared the stage with some of the most renowned personal development experts of our time. She has inspired millions around the world, sharing her breakthrough strategies on how to overcome adversity, achieve financial abundance and extraordinary success; in fact, her inspirational video messages on YouTube have been viewed by well over 4 million people to date. Sonia believes in giving back and making a difference. Over the last few years, she has participated in (and led) humanitarian trips to several developing countries, including Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Thailand.