Program & Replays

Recoding Your DNA for Success: Unlock your blueprint for wealth, health and happiness

Broadcast on November 19, 2019
With Dawn Clark
Hosted by Jennifer McLean

Join author, speaker, and futurist, Dawn Clark, as she shares the good news: that we all have a wealth gene. Once we learn how to turn it ON, we can finally free ourselves of "not enough." and start living the lives of our dreams.

During this powerful session, you'll discover:

  • The inherit "struggle" programming in our DNA that impacts our ability to succeed today
  • That we all have a unique Wealth Gene that can be turned on which supports our passion and purpose in life! 
  • That science proves our DNA is changeable. If we are going to make the most out of our lives, we must take charge 
The views expressed are specific to the author/speaker and may vary from the perspectives of The Shift Network's participants, staff, or other speakers.
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Dawn Clark

International Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Teacher, Futurist

Dawn Clark is an international best-selling author, speaker, futurist, and creator of next-generation tools. She has spent more than twenty years helping people unlock their potential and create profound breakthroughs personally and professionally. Standing at the nexus of science and spirituality, Dawn synthesizes cutting-edge research from epigenetics, quantum physics, brain science, and technology with her own unique insights, some of which have been informed by profound near-death experiences. A recognized thought leader, Dawn’s client list includes Fortune 100 executives, entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, psychologists, teachers, and doctors—including Nobel Prize and Oscar-award winners. Her works transcend nonfiction and fiction genres, bridging learning gaps through transformational entertainment and exponential technologies. These proprietary tools help individuals unlock their potential at core, so they can change their destiny and create the lives they dream of!

Dawn Clark